"Madras -- Chennai": Review comments, Part III

In continuation of my review comments of the Tamil book titled, "Madras -- Chennai" this is the final part in this series. In case you missed the part I and II, you can read it here and here.

11. Which European power came in 1612 ? Is it Danish or the Dutch ? Text says it is Dutch (in page 6 of chapter 1).

12. Masulipattinam, in the process of translation, has become "Mussoli Pattinam" (I have given it here as is printed (and sounds the same while reading) in the Tamil text) in page 61 of chapter 9.

13. In the
the same chapter (pages 63 and 64), author traces, how the British, who had established their trading post in Armagon, signed a contract with the local representatives of Vijayanagara empire, the Rajah of Chandragiri and his feudal sub-ordinate Damarla Venkatapathy Nayak, bought that piece of land adjoining the River Cooum over looking the sea. This contract 'owes its genesis to Francis Day and Andrew Cogan'; how squarely, the latter's name has been missed out and, as far as I can recall, there is absolutely no reference to Andrew Cogan in the book.

14. Talking about the contract (also known as sanad said to be preserved in the Chandragiri fort) in page 74 of chapter 11, it helps the lay reader to highlight the fact as to why Beri Thimappa negotiated with John Company or the Honourable East India Company -- because he was a 'dubash' as he could speak two languages.

15. Missing page numbers from page 80 to page 85 (chapter 13).

16. Central Station missing among the list of prominent landmarks in the city.

17. No mention about the Connemera Public Library in the Government Museum Complex.


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